Stuffed Cucumbers: Sardines & Chicken (黄瓜托) | The Chinese Cuisine

These stuffed cucumbers and deliciously refreshing, crunchy on the outside and with flavorful fillings. Plus, they are extremely easy to make! No stove or special appliances needed to make this appetizer!

- 1 cucumber, cut into 1 inch pieces in length
- 2 canned sardines
- 1 chicken breast (roasted, grilled, etc.)
- green onions
- cilantro
- chinkiang vinegar
- sesame oil
- hot sesame oil
- black sesame seeds
- sugar
- salt

1. chop cucumber into equal pieces
2. scoop out the innards
3. chop/mash your two canned sardines
4. add in sugar, chinkiang vinegar, sesame oil, black sesame seeds and salt
5. mix thoroughly and stuff into the cucumbers.
6. chop your chicken breast along with the green onions and cilantro
7. add in black sesame seeds, hot sesame oil (can use regular sesame oil), and chinkiang vinegar
8. mix thoroughly and stuff into cucumbers
9. drizzle with tahini dressing!! video linked here:
10. enjoy! :D
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